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aas a in"America"
āas ar in"far"
ämodified ā  pronounced with the lips formed as for "aw" in "law".
ias i in"pin"
īas i in"machine"
uas u in"put" except before ng when it is pronounced like ou in "young".
ūas o in"do"
üas eu in"deux" [French]
eas a in"fate" but shortened.
ēas a in"fate"
èas ea in"head"
ëas e in"le" [French]
oas o in"note"
òas a in"fall"
o'o'like a in fall above suddenly cut short.
oeas ou in"furious" and "enough".


aias ai in"aisle"
eias i in"mine" but shortened.
ēias i in"mine" prounced long.
eaeae+a the first letter is long.
eoeoe+o the first letter is long.
oias oy in"boy"
aoas ow in"how"
āoao a+o
auas ou in "loud"
āuāuthe long sound of au.
uias in"fruition"


IPAR. HallidayExplanation
kkk, as in English
khsame with aspiration
k(à)kk, with a deeper tone
kh(à)khsame aspirated
ŋ(à)ngng as in "sing", with and without a deep tone
ccch, as in "church" but approaching to ts in "its"
chsame with aspiration
c(à)cch, with a deeper tone
cʰ(à)chsame with aspiration
ɲ(à)nyñ, as in "cañon", with and without a deep tone
ttt, as in English
thsame with aspiration
ɗdd, with a little of t in it
nnn, as in English
t(à)tt, with a deeper tone
th(à)thsame with aspiration
n(à)nn, with a deeper tone
ppp, as in English
phsame with aspiration
p(à)pp, with a deeper tone
pʰ(à)phsame with aspiration
m(à)mm, as in English, with and without a deep tone
j(à)yy, as in English, with and without a deep tone
r(à)rr, as in English, with and without a deep tone
l(à)ll, as in English, with and without a deep tone
w(à)ww, as in English, with and without a deep tone
sss, as in English
hhh, as in English
ɓbwith a little of p in it
ɓ(à)bsame with a deep tone

IPA stands for International Phonetic Alphabets.
The other system used for phonetic is completely based on Mon-English Dictionary by R. Halliday, M.R.A.S.

Romanization by Transcription for Mon Language

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